After working with Dell to develop the Work Like A Boss campaign for the 9000 series Latitude laptops they tapped Opus create a Latitude Lookbook. Opus set up a 2-day lifestyle photoshoot for the Dell Latitude Laptops and we collected all of their competitors for a studio shoot for another 2 days.
The anglular design created a unique space for content.
Using a Kodachrome-style editing on the photography created a cohesiveness to the imagery, which also pushed an idea of a more innocent time.
One of several projects I created while working with the Illinois State Medical Insurance Exchange. ISMIE, at the time, didn’t really have an identity to work with. I ended up using stock photography and a simple color palette.
Using a simple and fun headline “Lock-up” to get peoples attention and then hit them with all the ways that they should secure their bikes below.
Initial design and layout for the alumni magazine of The Adler School of Professional Psychology. Gemeinschafsgefühl is German for community and is at the heart of Adler School principles.
This was a fun little mini internal campaign that Andy Young (this guy) and I teamed up on. Promoting the big summer party event held by KinderCare Education for the 500 or so employees around the Portland metro. We thought a good way to get more people at the event if they could take down their bosses in the dunk tank. A “spy” video was captured with the executives talking smack about the employees which was passed around a few weeks before the event.